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What is World@Home All About?

computer-foldThis site will primarily talk about the amazing opportunities presented to physically challenged people through the internet. Amidst all the technological talk abounding on the net, it is primarily a tool and it is one that ironically is a place where the handicap and physically abled people are on equal footing. No stairs to climb on, no sidewalk bump to maneuver with to get to the other side, and no cookie jar on the cupboard placed to high to be reached.

Just like ordinary people, handicap participants can do their jobs online, shop, meet people, communicate with loved ones far away from home. Just a little over ten years ago, all of the above mentioned activities will require travel or would mean that you have sizeable income to afford all those skyrocket phone bills.

It's really like the world has been brought into your home as our blog title suggests!

Along with the opportunities mentioned above, there are challenges presented to the handicap as well. People must now have a basic grasp of technology to maneuver the web and be alert with online dangers like viruses, spam and new forms of scams. Plus a person must be able to read and write in English since most of the web pages out there are available in this language.

Education both in language and technology must be foremost to a handicap in order for him or her to truly leverage the power of the Internet. One of the reasons this blog was made is to actually make a campaign for this very need and to mobilize certain sectors of society to achieve that goal. We will get to this as we go along.

I believe that the internet is being used by God as a powerful tool to reach out to people in whatever state they are in by making the online world a great equalizer in opportunities.

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