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The World@Home Project

sunlight_at_home___When I was able to find a decent living through the Internet, I said to myself that I would like to make a foundation someday that will help handicap people like me become more computer and Internet literate so that they can do what I do or possibly even more. However, I also sensed that due to lack of resources I may not be able to fulfill this dream.

Since this foundation isn't about me, I thought I might as well put up a website about so that somebody who has the resources or knows someone who does can pick this thing up and make it a REALITY!

Here is how this foundation will go:

1. A person or an organization will set-up an organization that has a mission of providing Internet access to the homes of physically challenged individuals around the world. Along with this net access, the organization will also supply other equipment like PCs, printers and computer books.

2. Teachers or trained instructors will be supplied by the organization as well. They will go to the homes of the handicap person and teach him or her various skills that can help her earn income through the use of the computer and the web. Of course basic computer skills will be first on the teaching agenda.

3. The organization must study the individual talents of the student and should hone her skills in things that will help her do their work on the Internet. Skills like the following:

a. Research
b. Customer Service Skills
c. Software Programming
d. Medical Transcription
e. Creative Writing
f. Graphic Design

4. If the student isn't particularly good in English, a language tutor must be the first thing provided to the student since this is the most prevalent language on the Internet among major websites.

5. All should have access to the organization's services whether rich or poor. In some countries, even if the handicap is rich, they will still have a hard time going to school everyday. The physical hardships of moving from on e place to another presents such a challenge whatever social class you belong to.

Those who can afford to pay must be charged for the organization's services so that they will have funds to help those who can't afford such services. The organization should give out all services and equipment for free to those who don't have the financial capability.

By doing this organizations can save on facilities cost in putting up a school. Just a simple additional room on the company's offices will be enough to stock computers. The computers itself doesn't have to be new or the latest one if it will only be used for simple web surfing or word processing. So organizations can also ask for donations on old computers.

Furthermore; teachers will engage students in their homes. A place where the handicap is most comfortable with since the amenities are made for him and he has the support of the family whenever he needs one. Handicap people like myself have physical needs that come up in the most unexpected time like going to the comfort room. A simple task for others but a daunting and adventurous one for the handicap since he or she doesn't know if their wheelchair will fit the bathroom door.

The organization then can choose to hire the handicap people to for their profit companies. They can do this through telecommuting. Or they can partner with other organizations and help them find jobs or train them further to go into a business of their own.

If you happen to read this, please share this to others. If you have the resources maybe you can come up with something along these lines and most probably have a better mechanism. If you know of someone who has a foundation or has a heart for the handicap please share this to them and I hope they will mobilized to do this. Make this available to everyone, every race, religion and every nation especially to those wherein the physically challenged have very limited opportunities for income and participation in society.

God Bless Everyone!

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